Privacy Policy

In this privacy policy you can read, among other things, which data we collect, for what purpose, how long it is stored, who has access to this data, viewing and changing the data and the use of cookies on our website.


Who we are

Lennon Services / Hotel Service Utrecht

Weesperzijde 145-2

1091 ET Amsterdam

06 – 42 182 316

Chamber of Commerce number: 77780280



Our website address is:


Personal data that we collect

  • Your company name
  • Your first and last name
  • Your address details
  • Your telephone number
  • Your e-mail address


Why Hotel Service Utrecht needs this data

We process your personal data in order to be able to contact you by telephone if you request it, and/or to be able to contact you in writing (by e-mail and/or by post) if you cannot be reached by telephone. In addition, Hotel Service Utrecht may use your personal data in the context of executing an agreement(s) concluded with you.


How long Hotel Service Utrecht stores your data

Your data is stored in our storage from the moment you receive a quote, become a customer or contact us by e-mail. If no agreement is concluded with you, your data will not be stored for longer than 1 year.

If you cancel your agreement with Hotel Service Utrecht, your data will be stored until the retention period of authorities such as the tax authorities has expired.


Recipients and access to your personal data

Your personal data is accessible to the management and employees of Hotel Service Utrecht for the performance of your services


View, modify and delete your data

You have the right to view, correct or delete your personal data (*). You can send a request for access, correction or deletion to info@hotelserviceutrecht. Hotel Service Utrecht will respond to your request as soon as possible, but no later than within four weeks. *We cannot delete data from our basic administration that we must be able to provide to, for example, the tax authorities during the retention period at your request.



Hotel Service Utrecht does everything it can to protect your data and prevent unauthorized access to your personal data. Your connection to our website is secured via an SSL certificate. We have an internal information security policy that aims to prevent unauthorized third parties from gaining access to your data. Our security measures are regularly checked internally and include: virus scanners, up-to-date software, two-way authentication, shielding the network and servers with firewalls and a very strong password policy.


Changes to this privacy policy

This privacy policy applies to all our customers and contacts and may change from time to time if new developments give reason to do so. We recommend that you review this statement regularly so that you know how Hotel Service Utrecht protects your data. Questions

If you have any questions after reading our privacy statement, you can always contact us by phone at +31642182316 or by email at